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Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker is a loyal companion for female users to keep track of their well-being. Supported by over one hundred professionals as well as authorized medical institutions, the Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker has more than 230 million female users worldwide. The app features a variety of practical functions, including a period tracker, a calendar of fertility, etc. The app welcomes female users of all age ranges and life stages. You can customize the app for your convenience. The high-end AI technology will monitor all data concerning your period and fertility-related issues. The app will ensure you a healthy body. During your pregnancy, you can even track the growth of your baby yet to be given birth to. The app is a useful educational tool for teaching female users the necessary knowledge relevant to their well-being so that they can understand their bodies better. The app will make pregnancy easier and more scientific for you since you will be able to identify on which days your fertility will reach to peak. There are also detailed and tailored suggestions offered by the app depending on each user’s conditions. With the help of this app, you can be better prepared for pregnancy and lead a healthier life. Users will receive notifications from this app when there is an upcoming important schedule. When you need help, you can also utilize the secret chat function to discuss private topics with experts. The app contains in-app purchases.

App Store Performance

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker has so far received 2,493,146 reviews on Google play with an average rating of 4.6 stars out of 5. On Appgrooves, it has 3 million reviews together with an average rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 as well as over 50 million times downloads. On App Store, it has 831.3 k ratings with an average score of 4.8 stars out of 5. Generally speaking, this app has achieved a comparatively good performance in those app stores.

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker Pros and Cons


1. The app cooperates with the official institutions.

2. There are over one hundred medical experts available.

3. Your data is well-protected.



1. The app keeps sending notifications to users without permission.

2. The insights and suggestions should be paid.

3. The support team is not helpful to the customers.

Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker Reviews

As a woman, we need to take care of our bodies on a daily basis. The lack of proper knowledge of our body might lead to unexpected outcomes and result in health issues. Therefore, the app is pretty helpful and meaningful regarding what extent it can assist female users. By using the app, users can be more aware of the cycle of their period, learn more about the reproduction issue, and have a higher chance to get pregnant if they are ready. The group of experts will also provide you with professional and personalized insights if you need any help when you come across any health issue. Yet, the app is not always that satisfying. For instance, it keeps notifying users of irrelevant information despite the fact that users have tried several times to turn off the notification function. Moreover, the app is not free. So if you want to get more detailed and richer content insights regarding your body issue, you must pay for it. In sum, the app is a useful tool for female users to take care of their bodies in a more scientific way and it encourages them to lead a healthier life.

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker

Provided by Flo Health Inc., this mobile app is designated for female health and fertility. It can be downloaded on App Store and Google Play for free and users can obtain more features through in-app purchase. In short, this is an all-in-one tool for female users to track their menstruation, pregnancy and other health data. It also provides reliable help and support for women’s health and well-being in general. There are seven key features and functions users can benefit from this app without extra cost. First, Flo is an easy-to-use tracker on users’ period cycle. It simply asks users to enter the start and end dates of their period in each month. Over time, the app can predict your next coming period date and your menstruation calendar. Apart from the dates, it also allows users to record their period-related symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, energy issues and emotional instabilities etc, which serves as important health indicators and helps prevent or relieve PMS. Then, based on the first function, Flo can predict users’ ovulation windows and the best chances of high fertility rate. Thirdly, Flo continues to provide tracking and support for users who are pregnant. It can offer trimester monitoring throughout the pregnancy and predict the due date. What’s more, users can obtain practical and reliable tips on maternal and newborn care from the mobile app. Beyond period and pregnancy tracking, Flo can also track many other health data. Users can use it to keep track of their weight, physical activeness, mental health, sexual intimacy, diet and nutritions etc. Furthermore, users can obtain professional and educational contents on the app. There are various articles and tips on female health, lifestyle and wellness in general. Moreover, when users encounter any health problem and physical condition, they can initiate online consultations directly on the app where there is a large and active female community. Users can have private chats with others and help providers on various topics to get a solid support whenever they need. Last but not least, Flo is a tracker and also a reminder. It sends personalized notifications to users and remind them of the upcoming period dates, ovulation windows; or it simply tells them it’s time for water intake.


App Store Performance

In General, this app receives very positive ratings on major app platforms. Google Play gives it a 4.6 out of 5 score and App Store rates it 4.7. Justuseapp also rates it at 4.8 out of 5. It has a large number of installation with over 230 million users around the world.


Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker Pros and Cons


1. All inclusive features for female health management.

2. Easy to enter data and user-friendly interface.

3. Professional and reliable health tips and private user support.

4. Relatively accurate predictions on period/ovulation/due dates.



1. Subscriptions don’t provide many exclusively important features.

2. Occasional technical bugs.


Flo Ovulation & Period Reviews

This app was labeled as the “Best Fertility App” in 2020 by Healthline. It has a large active user base and the number is still growing. In terms of functionality and performance, this app is well designed with extensively thoughtful features. The functions well serve its purposes and users can navigate through the app in an easy and intuitive way. Most users think the predictions made by the in-app AI are quite reliable and accurate. Besides, the app integrates not only dates, but also comprehensive health facts and symptoms into its analysis. This way, users can obtain a better picture and insights on their overall physical conditions. What’s more, user community support from this app is beyond scientific help. Instead, users can obtain both science-based tips as much as mental support, caring and understanding from others in the “womanhood”. Although there are some occasional technical glitches, generally speaking, Flo is a helpful and convenient tool for users to better manage their health and wellness. 

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