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Slendrina: The Cellar 2

DEVOLOPER: Dennis Vukanovic
SIZE: 113.2 MB 113.2 MB

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Slendrina: The Cellar 2

Let’s re-experience the thrill of the Slendrina: The Cellar series by joining in the second series of the game--Slendrina: The Cellar 2. Different from version 1 where the ghost is calm to some extent, in The Cellar 2, the ghost of Slendrina has evolved and become more fierce than ever before. The two series will no doubt invite your adrenaline to secrete and make you fearful all the way till you get out of the place. Similar to the previous version, in Slendrina: The Cellar 2, players are required to gather 8 books from different rooms of the cellar and some keys are needed as well in order to open certain doors. Along the way, you also need to pay attention to your surroundings and be cautious to check if there is any creature lurking behind you. The books and keys can be hidden anywhere and you have to keep looking for them. Moreover, in version 2, new characters are on board, including the Granny ghost and the Baby ghost. So you are being chased by three of them and it is more difficult than the first version. If you fail to escape from them and get killed, the game will be over at once and you have to start it all over again. Among the three ghosts, Slendrina and Granny will be hovering in the air while the Baby would like to be stuck on the ground most of the time. You might come across them at a crossroads or behind your back. While being chased by them, turn off the lights as has been mentioned before. Keep a distance from all the ghosts and don’t confront them. What is even more amazing is that this version features a journey map which is rather complicated for you to figure out. However, it is still recommended to start the game with a reference to the map, or else you might get lost in the Cellar very easily. The higher the level, the tougher the challenges will be. 


App Store Performance

On Google Play, the game is rated 4.1 stars out of 5 with 101K reviews while it has been installed more than 10 million times. On App Store, the game received a rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 from 435 players.


Game Pros and Cons 


1. The ghosts are more diversified and fierce compared with the previous version, making the game even more intriguingly challenging.

2. The mixed thrill of being chased after by three ghosts and the pressure of collecting books and finding keys motivate players throughout the gameplay process.

3. The audio and visual effects of the game are immersive for players and offer them an authentic gameplay experience.



1. Even in the easy mode, the levels are very hard for a player to accomplish because there are too many ghosts chasing after the player at the same time.

2. The jump scare when you turn around and see the face of the ghost is quite a nightmare and triggers heart attacks for certain groups of people.


Game Review

Featuring multiple horrible ghosts and authentic audio and visual effects, Slendrina: The Cellar 2 has done a great job based on its previous version as it evolves with more attractive elements. The three ghosts are quite scary for the players and players will feel more difficult to deal with the tasks since there are more enemies to face. Adding to the astounding soundtrack which creates eerie and unnerving suspense, players will become quite engaged in the game. Though the design of the graphics is quite simplistic, it doesn’t undermine the whole scary atmosphere the game tries to create.

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Slendrina: The Cellar 2 

Here comes the second series of Slendrina: The Cellar! This time, you will greet Slendrina together with her mother and baby in the dark cellar. So you will be chased by three of them rather than just one! The gameplay mechanics inherit the previous version and requires players to find 8 missing books scattered around in the cellar and you have to find keys to open certain locked doors in order to proceed with the game. Meanwhile, you need to pay attention to your surroundings and check if someone is lurking and observing you in the dark. Once you spot a dark figure coming for you, you should hurry up and escape from the chasing. Compared with the previous version, Slendrina in the second series appears eviler and becomes even stricter to those who intrude on her territory. To prevent you from finding those old books, she will do whatever she can to stop you, together with the assistance of her mother and baby. In the creepy cellar, you have to figure out your way through the maze-like construction and find the 8 books as quickly as possible. When you reach a long corridor, you will find many doors locked, so search for the keys to the door everywhere. The mechanics of the game is rather easy for users to grasp and you only need to explore the cellar and open every door to check if there is any book or key. The game is quite terrifying so it is recommended for players aged at or above 12 years old. Since the game is free of charge, it contains in-game ads in order to maintain its services to players.


App Store Performance 

On Google Play, it has so far received 4.1 stars out of 5 together with 101K reviews from users. It has also been installed more than 10 million times. On App Store, the game receives an average score of 4.2 stars out of 5 together with 433 ratings. In comparison, the performance of the game on Google play outruns that on App Store considering its popularity and the number of users. Therefore, to improve its performance, the Slendrina team should make more efforts to promote the game among players worldwide.


Game Pros and Cons 


1. The gameplay mechanics is user-friendly and assigns players to clear tasks to finish.

2. The creepy atmosphere created by the audio and visual effects is excellent for players who are looking for an exciting experience.

3. The game control is easy to use and saves players a lot of effort and time.

4. It is free of charge.



1. For certain players, the background music is somewhat annoying.

2. Since there is no jump button, players might get stuck sometimes.

3. The chasing of the baby and Slendrina’s mother causes players to run to somewhere unknown and takes them even more time to find the right way.

4. It contains in-game advertising.


Game Reviews

Featuring a rather satisfying game of directional control, players can easily control the moves of the character and make him move in all kinds of directions naturally. While the control buttons are on the left, the right part of the screen is for you to have your view on the game where you can change your vision to any direction you like. When opening the door, you can simply type on the screen to check if it needs a key or not. Technically speaking, the game is excellent in terms of its graphic design, interface layout, and gameplay mechanics. The game successfully creates a creepy and horrible atmosphere immersing players in the gameplay process. 

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