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Death Park 2

DEVOLOPER: Euphoria Horror Games
SIZE: 226.3 MB

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Death Park 2

Death Park 2 is a survival horror game developed by the French video game studio Tohu where players take on the role of a park ranger trying to protect a group of hikers from being hunted down by a serial killer named Madman. The game is set in a theme park that is hit with a massive snowstorm and has become unpredictable, making it dangerous for visitors to enter the park. The park ranger has the responsibility of securing the park and rescuing the hikers before it's too late.


The game features various scenarios in which the player takes on different roles, including being a park ranger, a detective, or a survivor of Madman's killing spree. The game's objective is to protect the hikers and find a way to stop Madman before he can harm anyone else.


The game has an interactive level design that allows players to explore different areas of the park and encounter various obstacles, such as security cameras, locks, and other traps set by Madman. The player can interact with objects in the environment, such as doors, cars, and other park facilities, as well as collect items that can be used to help them in their quest.


Players can choose from a variety of weapons, including rifles, shotguns, and explosives, which they can use to take down Madman or defend themselves from his attacks. The game also features a stealth mode, allowing players to move unnoticed and blend in with their surroundings, as well as a crafting mode, where players can create their weapons and gather more resources.


Death Park 2 is known for its eerie and suspenseful atmosphere, with immersive graphics and sound design that help create a sense of dread and tension. The game also features a unique storyline with various twists and turns, which keeps players engaged and on their toes.


App Store Performance

Death Park 2 has received 265,927 reviews on Google play with an average rating of 4.6 stars out of 5. On App Store, it gets an average score of 4.6 stars out of 5.


Death Park 2 Pros and Cons


Death Park 2 delivers an engaging storyline, immersive atmosphere, diverse gameplay, mobile accessibility, and regular updates, providing a captivating horror experience.



In-app purchases may create a pay-to-win perception, the potential for repetitive gameplay, performance issues on some devices, limited platform availability, and the absence of multiplayer features may impact the overall gaming experience for some players.  


Death Park 2 Reviews

Gameplay: Death Park 2 offers a mix of puzzle-solving, exploration, and survival horror elements, providing a diverse and engaging experience for players. The gameplay mechanics are relatively straightforward and contribute to the game's immersive atmosphere.


Storyline: The game features a compelling and suspenseful storyline, with well-developed characters and plot twists that keep players invested in the narrative. The engaging storytelling enhances the overall gaming experience.


Graphics and Sound: The atmospheric design, detailed graphics, and eerie sound effects effectively contribute to the game's horror theme, creating a chilling and immersive environment for players.


Mobile Accessibility: The availability of Death Park 2 on mobile platforms offers convenience and accessibility for a wide range of players, allowing them to enjoy the game on the go.


Monetization: The game includes in-app purchases, which may impact the overall experience for some players. Finding the right balance between providing additional content for purchase and maintaining a fair and enjoyable experience for all players is crucial.


Overall, Death Park 2 delivers a captivating horror experience with its engaging storyline, atmospheric design, and varied gameplay elements. However, the presence of in-app purchases, potential for repetitive gameplay, and other limitations may impact the overall enjoyment for some players.  

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Death Park 2

Death Park 2 is a survival horror game that puts players in the role of a park ranger, who must protect a group of hikers from being hunted down by a serial killer named Madman. The game takes place in a theme park, where Madman has taken residence. Players must navigate through the park, solving puzzles, and avoiding Madman to rescue the hikers.


The game is set in a Saint Valentine's Day park, where Madman has made his home. The park is hit with a massive snowstorm, trapping the hikers there. The players control the ranger, who has limited visibility due to the snowstorm and must rely on his senses and intuition to spot Madman.


The gameplay involves exploring the park, finding clues and solving puzzles to rescue the hikers. The park has several sections, each with its own unique challenges, such as a water park with moguls and a maze, filled with dead animals. The players must become adept at using their weapons, as Madman is a formidable enemy that can move silently and dash at the players with incredible speed.


The game also features several types of weapons, including rifles, Shotguns, and explosives. The players can choose the best weapon for the situation based on the terrain, the threat, and the ammunition available. Every weapon has its own unique characteristics, and the players must control their strengths and weaknesses to survive in the park.


App Store Performance

Death Park 2 has received 265,927 reviews on Google play with an average rating of 4.6 stars out of 5. On App Store, it gets an average score of 4.6 stars out of 5.


Death Park 2 Pros and Cons


1. Engaging Storyline: Death Park 2 features a captivating storyline with compelling characters and a well-developed plot, providing players with an immersive narrative experience.

2. Creepy Atmosphere: The game excels in creating a chilling and eerie atmosphere, enhanced by its dark and detailed graphics, eerie sound effects, and spooky environments, adding to the overall horror experience.

3. Diverse Gameplay: Players can enjoy a variety of gameplay elements, including puzzles, exploration, and survival horror, which adds depth and diversity to the gaming experience.

4. Mobile Accessibility: Being available on mobile platforms allows players to enjoy the game on the go, reaching a wider audience and providing accessibility.

5. Regular Updates: The developers frequently release updates and new content, ensuring that the game remains fresh and engaging for players.



1. In-App Purchases: Like many mobile games, Death Park 2 includes in-app purchases, which may lead to a pay-to-win perception and could limit the experience for players who are not willing or able to spend additional money.

2. Repetitive Gameplay: Some players may find the gameplay to become repetitive over time, with similar challenges and mechanics being reused throughout the game.

3. Performance Issues: On certain devices, players may encounter performance issues and bugs, impacting the overall gameplay experience.

4. Limited Platform Availability: The game's availability limited to mobile platforms may exclude players who prefer gaming on other systems such as PC or console.

5. Lack of Multiplayer: The absence of multiplayer modes or social features may limit the game's long-term appeal for players who enjoy cooperative or competitive gaming experiences.


Death Park 2 Reviews

One of the most striking features of Death Park 2 is its nostalgic setting, which harks back to the classic horror games of the 80s and 90s. The game's visual design, music, and atmospheric soundscapes all pay homage to the classic horror atmosphere, making for an immersive and entertaining gaming experience.


Overall, Death Park 2 is a survival horror game that offers an intense challenge for fans of the genre. It is a beautiful, atmospheric game that produces some of the most tense and terrifying moments of any game. With its eerie atmosphere, thrilling gameplay, and nostalgic theme, Death Park 2 is a must-play for all horror fans.  

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