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Google Chat

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Google Chat

Google Chat is a powerful and multi-functional instant messaging app designed and developed, especially for team works. The app is recommended to use on workplace occasions as well as other occasions that require team coordination and effort. The intelligent and secure techniques of Google Chat enable users to communicate with each other efficiently and carry out tasks successfully. You can directly message your teammates privately or start a conversation within a group with all kinds of topics. The powerful app supports multiple types of documents and files in various formats, including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. In this way, teammates can share with each other their ideas in a more visualized way and generate more systematic and organized working results to show the team leaders and members. Once the documents are shared in the group, anyone can see the content without having to ask for the sharer to grant permission. Your work can be finished more quickly and yields more satisfying effects thanks to the wide array of features of the app, varying from editors, meetings that take only one click, scheduling, document creation, and sharing, to task assigning. Even if you are currently overwhelmed by the workload and are confused about where your shared information is, you can take advantage of the search function to find out relevant conversations and shared documents immediately. The app is specially developed for cooperates and institutions involving lots of teamwork. The access control and security measures make it possible for the group leader to manage all the information and staff more efficiently and wisely.


App Store Performance

On Google Play, Google Chat has so far received 3.9 stars out of 5 together with 100 K reviews from more than 10 million users. On App Store, it is ranked 10th place on the list of Business apps that can have received 4.6 stars out of 5 with 138.3 K ratings. Based on the data above, we can conclude that the app scores higher among iOS users but it meets greater popularity among Android users.


Pros and Cons 


1. Google Chat enables users to communicate with each other directly or start a conversation within a chat group.

2. The multi-functional features of the app like document sharing, group editing, and compatibility with all kinds of document formats ensure users a convenient, efficient, and fruitful working environment.

3. The search function can make users find the content they are looking for within seconds.



1. Users are not allowed to delete or edit the content of the message or documents without official email accounts granted by the group.

2. The pictures can only be loaded one by one.

3. The current version is only available for Google Workspace users.


Game Reviews

With Google Chat, group leaders can manage their staff and work tasks in a more organized way so as to carry on the teamwork more efficiently. They can assign functionality permissions to different group members instantly and share documents in the group for everyone else to refer to. If there is a need for a private conversation, they can directly send messages to an individual member. Google Chat is one of the ideal assistant tools in workplaces and protects users’ and groups’ privacy and data security. However, all the features can only be enjoyed by paid users, and users can only edit and delete content with one email account granted by the group. Generally speaking, the app is useful for groups that require lots of teamwork. Yet, the developers should work harder to meet the needs of users.

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Google Chat

Google Chat, provided by Google, is a powerful tool designed to provide secure and smart communication and collaboration services for work teams and enterprises, which not only allows individual or enterprise users to conduct real-time work communication and group dialogue through this app, but also enables its users to cooperate to complete work tasks and share inside itself, thus improve the efficiency of collaboration in a highly communicative and lively working environment.

Have you ever been inefficient in completing tasks because you forgot the specific requirements of your work assignments? Have you ever had your work efficiency reduced by the tedious and backward way of working in real life? If so, then Google Chat is the perfect choice to take your productivity to go up a notch. From real-time online communication to dedicated features such as allowing users to discuss tasks and share work progress, Google Chat, a deeply integrated platform of Google Workspace aimed at providing smooth and fast communication and seamless work collaboration services, enables its users to work and communicate securely and fluidly from anywhere without the slightest effort.


App Store Performance

Generally speaking, Google Chat has received diverse reviews and feedback from different major app stores. On Google Play, Google Chat has been downloaded more than 10 million times and has so far received a rating of 4.0 stars out of 5 together with 99.4k reviews from its users. On the App Store, however, the app has a surprisingly high rating of 4.6 stars out of 5, with 137.3k ratings and a high ranking of 10th among numerous business apps.


Google Chat Pros and Cons


1. Google Chat tightly integrates users with the other applications in Google Workspace enabling more efficient work schedules and capabilities.

2. Google Chat provides users with powerful features such as chat, file sharing, online meetings, scheduling, etc., enabling seamless collaboration and communication at work.

3.  Regardless of the device on which the user works online, Google Chat can be easily used by the user on the web in the browser, on the computers or mobile smart devices.

4. Google Chat also allows users to adjust the color of their theme to either bright or dark mode depending on the ambient light, which helps protect users from eye strain.



1. When using Google Chat to share large files with contacts, it is common to experience extremely slow transfer speeds which is pretty lagging.

2.  Individual users will not be able to edit or delete messages from Google Chat if they do not have a corporate or school associated email account.

3. Users are not able to search through all their conversations since they first started using the app and can only send one photo at a time when sharing photos with others.


Google Chat Reviews

In terms of actual use experience, Google Chat, as an instant messaging application designed to facilitate business communication for workers and enterprises around the world, allows users to realize work group chat, sharing and co-editing files, holding online meetings and other work tasks through this one-stop software, which effectively improves work efficiency and the fluency of task completion. First, as far as the chatting feature is concerned, Google Chat allows up to 8,000 users to hold simultaneous direct conversations in a virtual chat room. You won’t have to worry about the security of your chat content at all, as all chat rooms will have a reminder to warn users about phishing or malicious attacks, to prevent security breaches in the chat room. Second, as a Google Workspace tie-in app, Google Chat seamlessly connects with other Google Workspace apps like Google Calendar, Gmail, and Google Meet while you’re working on it. This deeply integrated Google Workspace makes your own workspace simple and proficient.

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