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Build A Queen

DEVOLOPER: Supersonic Studios LTD
SIZE: 125 MB 239 MB

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Build A Queen

Build A Queen, a delightful runner game brought to us by Supersonic Studios LTD, whisks players away into a land rich with royal grandeur and crucial choices. Within the vibrant tapestry of this game, players find themselves endowed with the noble responsibility of sculpting the ultimate queen. Yet, this isn’t just about piecing together a look; it’s about curating a journey of metamorphosis. As you navigate the game, the mission is clear: transmute an average individual into various unexpected styles and images.


At the heart of Build A Queen lies the intricate dance of decisions. Each one you make, from the choice of an opulent gown to the determination of a unique skin tone, directly influences the queen’s demeanor, style, and stature. As you delve deeper, the options unfurl, revealing a myriad of possibilities for your queen’s visage. Such expansive creativity and diversity ensure that each experience is distinct, promising players an enticing replay value.


The challenge here isn’t solely about curating beauty. It’s about weaving character and essence into this queenly figure, standing her at the crossroads of imagination and strategy. As you embark on this transformative odyssey, you witness firsthand the profound relationship between choices and their consequent realities.


App Store Performance

In general, Build A Queen sees a positive market performance on various app platforms. Build A Queen has so far received 53.4K reviews on Google Play and has been given a rating of 3.8 stars out of 5. Build A Queen, which has been installed more than 10 million times on Google Play, is recognized and welcomed by countless players around the globe. Meanwhile, Build A Queen has also won the recognition and hearts among players on the iOS US App Store with 4.6 stars out of 5 together with 11.1K ratings.


Build A Queen Pros and Cons


1. Diverse Choices: With a plethora of customization options, every game session feels fresh and unique.

2. High Replayability: The sheer range of choices ensures players keep coming back for new experiences.

3. Meld of Creativity and Strategy: Beyond mere appearance, the game hones strategic thinking, making each decision consequential.

4. Engaging Gameplay: The art of decision-making remains captivating, holding players’ interest for hours.

5. Character Development: The game delves deeper than mere aesthetics, emphasizing the essence of a queenly figure.



1. Overwhelming Choices: With such diversity, new players might feel overwhelmed.

2. Repetitive Gameplay: Despite diverse choices, the core gameplay remains the same.

3. Lacks Clear Narrative: The focus on decision-making may leave some players wanting a stronger story arc.

4. Possible Monotony: The constant drive for the ‘perfect’ queen might lead to gameplay redundancy for some.


Build A Queen Reviews

In terms of actual use experience, Build A Queen emerges as a sparkling gem in the casual runner game genre. While it offers an abundance of customization and divergent paths, the true allure lies in its emphasis on decision-making. This isn’t just a game; it’s a testament to the power of choice and its influence on outcomes.


The expansive array of options can be both a boon and a bane. While it adds layers to the gameplay, novices might find themselves grappling with the sheer volume of decisions. Nevertheless, as players acclimatize, the game becomes an engaging odyssey of transformation.


One of the slight drawbacks is the potential for repetitiveness. While each session offers different paths, the overarching goal remains unchanged, which could lead to monotony for certain players.


However, where Build A Queen truly shines is in its invitation to merge creativity with strategy. Players don’t just dress up a figure; they shape an emblem of power, influence, and inspiration. In a world of fleeting thrills, this game offers a meaningful journey, asking players to reflect upon the interplay of choices and their outcomes.

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Editor's Reviews

The Description of Build A Queen

Imagine the exhilaration of parkour paired with the finesse of dress-up games; that is the world of Build A Queen for you. Created by Supersonic Studios LTD, this mobile game is an avant-garde amalgamation of parkour challenges and the creativity of dressing up. As a player, you step into the shoes of a stylist for a queen, striving to outfit her based on specific level requirements. With various parkour levels spread out, your quest is to find the right props, from hairstyles to shoes, to craft the quintessential queen look.


Each level unfolds with a distinct mission: outfit your queen to match a target look. There is no second-guessing or overthinking involved; simply adhere to the level’s objectives, gather the necessary props in a top-to-bottom order and behold the queen in all her glory. These levels are not just about clothing. Players can also tweak the queen’s body shape, introducing an array of quirky queen avatars.


With dazzling 3D graphics, Build A Queen showcases an array of styles. From adorable cartoon animals and cool gothic lolitas to mysterious giants, the game embraces a vast palette of combinations. It even nods to iconic characters like Princess Elsa from Frozen.


App Store Performance

When it comes to the game’s performance, Build A Queen exhibits strong performance across multiple app platforms. The game has garnered 53.4K reviews on Google Play, boasting a 3.8 out of 5-star rating. With over 10 million installations on Google Play, it’s evident that players worldwide appreciate it. On the iOS US App Store, Build A Queen has similarly impressed users, earning a rating of 4.6 stars from 11.1K reviews.


Build A Queen Pros and Cons


1. Innovative Gameplay: Combines parkour action with the intricacies of dress-up.

2. Diverse Styles: With styles ranging from cartoonish to gothic, there is something for everyone.

3. Customization: Beyond attire, players can adjust the body shape of the queen, offering a more personalized experience.

4. Intuitive Levels: Each level is straightforward with clear objectives, making it accessible for all players.

5. Stunning 3D Graphics: Enhances the overall gaming experience with visually pleasing graphics.



1. Simplified Gameplay: The game provides standard answers, which might reduce the challenge for some.

2. Limited to Dress-Up: While it does integrate parkour, the primary focus remains on dressing up.

3. Body Shape Adjustments: Some may find the oddly shaped queen characters off-putting.

4. Niche Appeal: The unique combination might not resonate with hardcore parkour or dress-up game enthusiasts.

5. Repetitive Over Time: The game could become monotonous for players seeking varied challenges.


Build A Queen Reviews

As far as the actual playing experience is concerned, Build A Queen is undeniably a breath of fresh air in the mobile gaming scene. Its distinctive blend of action parkour and dress-up is novel, setting it apart from standard titles. While we have seen parkour games and dress-up challenges in the past, this game’s addition of body type customization is ground-breaking. However, this very feature can be divisive, appealing to some while alienating others.


The game’s strength lies in its simplicity. Players do not drown in choices; instead, they follow a clear path to achieve the desired look. This clarity, coupled with its visually impressive 3D graphics, ensures an immersive experience. However, the game’s simplicity is also its Achilles heel. Seasoned gamers might yearn for more challenges beyond the usual dress-up.


In conclusion, Build A Queen is a delightful fusion game that promises hours of fun. It is perfect for those who cherish creativity and enjoy the thrill of parkour. However, its niche gameplay might not cater to everyone’s tastes.

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